Johann haviland bavaria pattern# W825

by Kerry tobey
(Wasilla, alaska)

Johann haviland bavaria pattern# W825

Johann haviland bavaria pattern# W825

I have inherited a collection of china from my mother. Best as I can gather it is a piece manufactured by johann haviland in bavaria and the pAttern is known as W825. It's beautiful, I have collected all of the pieces except the elusive sugar bowl. I have found it extremely difficult to find Any information on the pattern. I've attached the backmark and picture of the pattern. I would like to know approximAtely how old it is or any information you mAy have. Thank you for your time!

Comments for Johann haviland bavaria pattern# W825

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Johnn Haviland China NEW
by: Anonymous

I have a 12 piece setting of Johann Haviland that I inherited from my Mother and now wish to sell. Who is buying this fine china now?

Phyllis Woodruff

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