Decorative Pitcher with Watteau paintings Query - Pedder
Decorative Pitcher with Watteau paintings Query - Pedder
Decorative Pitcher with Watteau paintings Query - Pedder
Decorative Pitcher with Watteau paintings Query - Pedder
Decorative Pitcher with Watteau paintings Query - Pedder
Decorative Pitcher with Watteau paintings Query - Pedder :- My wife and I purchased this pitcher from a local thrift store because it had similar artwork to a tea set I bought from a recent Eurotrip. The pitcher had artwork of Watteau paintings and gold trimmings. It has the word Pedder on the bottom.
Any help would be great.
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Decorative Pitcher with Watteau paintings Query - Pedder
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I have never heard of Pedder and I couldn't find any reference to Pedder in any of my encyclopedias of china and porcelain. There is also nothing online - so I have drawn a blank all around, unfortunately.
I do have a hunch though whihc may be wildly wrong of course. I would not be surprised if this ware is from Hong Kong. Why do I say that? Well there is a very famous old street in Hong Kong called Pedder Street, and it is just the sort of name a Far East maker would use in branding their wares. This guess may be wildly inaccurate, but let's wait and see!
However, I feel sure that this will be one of those threads which will be found by people and over time we will get to the answer of this mystery one way or another.
It may take some time, but we will get there in the end.
Peter (admin)
p.s. The following page is a 'must see' if you are researching fine china - for value and identification:-
Researching the identity and value of antique and vintage fine china.
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