A Pair of Boy Girl Figurines with a 3 loops crown mark with a cross on top and two Gs one a backtofront mirror G

by Rej
(Calgary, Alberta)

A Pair of Boy Girl Figurines with a 3 loops crown mark with a cross on top and two Gs one a backtofront mirror G

A Pair of Boy Girl Figurines with a 3 loops crown mark with a cross on top and two Gs one a backtofront mirror G

Hi, my name is Rej and I found a piece I need help with! I collect many different things from Canadian coins and paper money, antiques and vintage items, roman, Chinese and native north American artefacts, fossils, rocks and minerals, as well as anything that I think looks cool and has some interesting history!

I recently acquired these 2 items from a thrift store in the city of Calgary Alberta. They appear to be Victorian and likely european. I have no history or any other provenance for these pieces. They stand about 5” tall. They both have the same back stamp.

I have spent a few hours online trying different searches to find the mark and now my head hurts!

It has been very frustrating as I cannot seem to find it. The issue is there is no letters or initials to try and search. There is a crown but that brings up a ton of results.

I am usually pretty good with this kind of thing! I have been acquiring vintage and antique pottery and porcelain for a few years now and love the hunt and love trying to figure out who made it and when.

I do spend a lot of time online searching for information and I also have some reference material that I use. I have not used this site before but I appears to be very useful and I will certainly book mark it and come back often.

Not too sure what I will do with these but more than likely
I will give these to my mother as she likes these types of collectibles. I like to give her some information about the items as well when I give her stuff.

Anyway, this has been making me crazy for a few days now not being able to figure it out.

I am sure someone will figure it out fairly quickly and make me look silly ;)

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your time.



Reply by Peter (admin)

Hi Rej

No, you are right to be stumped by this mark.

First, because as you discovered there are literally thousands of crown mark out there - it is the single most used motif of them all.

Second because I have been doing this identifying pottery and porcelain marks for over 10 years and I have never come across this particular crown marking before.

I am not so sure these are 19th century and not so sure they are German, although they may be.

Usually, the quality of modelling, clay body and finishing are better than your examples with antique German porcelain. These show much more the characteristics of mid 20th century mass production. For example, Japanese exports were famous for impersonating Western style markings such as crowns and crossed swords, crossed arrows etc etc.

One such company was a New York based importer called Arnart. I have not seen this mark associated with them, but that's the sort of area we should eliminate first in our investigations.

Best regards

Peter (admin)

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