Asian Tea Set (Chinese/Taiwanese) with 'Rabbit' Pottery Mark Stamp
by Ian Jenkins
(Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia)
Asian Tea Set (Chinese/Taiwanese) with 'Rabbit' Pottery Mark Stamp
Asian Tea Set (Chinese/Taiwanese) with 'Rabbit' Pottery Mark Stamp
Asian Tea Set (Chinese/Taiwanese) with 'Rabbit' Pottery Mark Stamp
Asian Tea Set (Chinese/Taiwanese) with 'Rabbit' Pottery Mark Stamp
Asian Tea Set (Chinese/Taiwanese) with 'Rabbit' Pottery Mark Stamp:- This Asian Tea Set appears to be Chinese or Taiwanese to me. It has a distinct 'Rabbit' Stamp made in a Red Color on the external bases. The internal bottom of every tea cup has an embossed figurine of a Chinese Girl in Traditional Headdress. Every piece has an embossed Prawn on the face side which is visually overwhelming and beautiful to the eye.
It is a High Quality Porcelain Ceramic.
It purchased in Timor Indonesia 2011.
I would like to know its:
Background Info
Approximate Value
& If anyone has anything similar?
Any information will be helpful...
Thank you for this wonderful service!
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