family heirloom teapot with 3 footed and ceramic handle (hand painted)

by Susan Booth
(Niagara Falls, Canada)

family heirloom unmarked teapot with ceramic handle

family heirloom unmarked teapot with ceramic handle

This teapot has been in my family since the late 1800's. It was recently passed down to me from an aunt who has no daughters (as this is an item passed down to the women). I don't know its origin other than one of the first owners that I'm aware of live in Birmingham England in the early 1900's. The marking seem to be nondescript so any online research had been unsuccessful. The Aunt that I recieved it from had no idea of its history either so I'm at a loss of where to go next.

I am interested in the origin as, when I pass it down to my daughters or grand daughter I will be able to give them the story of the piece that goes along with it.


Comments for family heirloom teapot with 3 footed and ceramic handle (hand painted)

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family teapot - 3 footed and cermic handle (hand painted)
by: Peter (admin)

Thanks Susan

A bit of a mystery.

Just to clarify, can you look at the pattern and determine whether it is hand painted or not (are there brush strokes or dots under a magnifying glass).

Also it appears from the photos to be an ironstone rather than light translucent porcelain - is that right?

The style is not typical of items made in the 1800s, it has a sleeker look of a different period. The Victorians were all about embellishment rather than sleekness back then.

Once you reply, we can go further.


Peter (admin)

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