McCarty Pottery
by April
(Houma, La USA)
McCarty Pottery bottle vase
McCarty Pottery bottle vase
McCarty Pottery bottle vase signature mark
McCarty Pottery bottle vase signature mark
Hi Peter
I discovered and purchased these three pieces of pottery from a local thrift store. My interest started in pottery several years ago when I came across other pieces and after doing research, I found how collectible and valuable pottery could be.
These three particular pieces were clearly marked McCarty, Merigold, Miss. My husband and I went on a search on the internet and found a website for McCarty.
Once reading all the information on the site and looking at the history we were in awe at the beautiful story of love that went behind these pieces.
Lee and Pup McCarty loved creating these beautiful pieces, which they started in a barn on a very low budget.
Pup, Lee said, was the true artist and he became involved soon afterwards. They started their business in the mid 1950's.
There pottery was made from Mississippi River mud.
Pup McCarty passed away in 2009 and Mr.Lee McCarty recently passed last September; so that was the end of any original McCarty pieces.
There is a very touching video on the website that brings you to that place of the love he shared for life, his wife and words of wisdom one can only learn through his own life experiences.
On the site was a place to upload pictures. I took a picture and uploaded only one picture.
After several days, I received an email from John Ramsey Miller, journalist and author, who is at this time publishing a book on The McCarty's and their pottery.
He asked for more pics and stated in a
return email that the pieces were from the mid 50's and were RARE.
I got an invitation to visit Merigold and visit their beautiful grounds which is recognized by the Smithsonian Institute.
We have never asked questions on this site before and would appreciate you sharing any knowledge that could help identify the value and collectibility of these beautiful pieces.
We do not own a store or eBay shop.
Appreciating any information you can give.
Reply by Peter (admin)
Thanks for this great article.
I am learning - not familiar with this pottery or it's value.
However, I ran a check on some auction databases and also completed listings in eBay.
The result is there isn't much of this sold in recent years. This is both good news and bad news.
The bad news is that because it is virtually unheard of outside the region, there is no volume of collectors. You need a certain volume of interest, notoriety or a buzz to create higher prices.
The good new is, it is both rare, has a story and is beautiful American applied art.
This means that, if there does become a buzz, prices will rise at a sharp rate. Obviously, this article does the notoriety of these American, down and dirty art pottery makers no harm at all.
Here's a couple of results to illustrate prices achieved over the past few months on ebay and the past 10 years at auction (only one sale on record during that time that I could find).

Hope this is of some assistance