Porcelain figurine with a blue mark, crown over an H?
by Shelly
(Bowling Green, KY USA)
Porcelain figurine with a blue mark, crown over an H?
Porcelain figurine with a blue mark, crown over an H?

Hi Peter
I bought it at an auction. It was part of a large estate and I liked it immediately.
I do not know its history; there was only one other porcelain figurine in the estate sale that was a Ludwigsburg.
I have googled for marks with crowns and H's, also thought it might be two swords side by side.
I also searched ebay, Ruby Lane and Etsy to try to find a similar figurine, but came up with nothing.
I am frustrated in that I can't really even say for sure it is a crown over an H.
I didn't know how to describe the mark and I may have been way in my searching. Once I know more about this figurine I will list it in my ebay store, Catandcrow.
I really hate listing items that are marked that I cannot identify. I regularly search for information on all my items so I can provide as much information as possible to customers.