Circular Pottery Mark with initials R.H. and an S (R H & S), also ALASKA
by marcel
Circular Pottery Mark with initials R.H. and an S (R H & S), also ALASKA
Circular Pottery Mark with initials R.H. and an S (R H & S), also ALASKA
Circular Pottery Mark with initials R.H. and an S (R H & S), also ALASKA:- Hi all, I recently found a dish with a mark I have never seen before. It's a round laurel and inside the laurel is a ring with a crown on top. In the ring itself is written ALASKA and in the central space are the initials R. H. and ans S a little further.
The image in the plate is a strange melange of styles:
flower stems with leaves and a little flower here and there and inbetween are 3 circles with typical egyptian or renaissance style decoration.
Maybe they are supposed to represent ice cristals??
It's a white plate and the image on the plate is blue.
The plate looks old and the glaze is finely crackled.
If anyone has comments or suggestions I'd be very happy.
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The forum Help Elf says:-
My thoughts went to R H Plant, but this mark is not like any mark from R H Plant I have seen.
Does anyone know this mark?