Crown Motif Over Letter P Over Letter M - Pottery Mark Query
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Crown Motif Over Letter P Over Letter M - Pottery Mark Query - 'PM' Made in Bavaria pottery mark
Crown Motif Over Letter P Over Letter M - Pottery Mark Query: Please could you identify maker of my heart shaped bone china jewellery box. Markings are crown motif over letter P over letter M. Made in GDR CIRCA 1942.
I would be eternally grateful to you and your wonderful website if you can answer this vexed question!!
Charlie Winler
Reply from Peter (admin) below - just scroll downHOW I MADE MONEY FROM BITS & BOBS OF OLD CHINA
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Reply by Peter (admin)
To:- 'Crown Motif Over Letter P Over Letter M - Pottery Mark Query'
Dear Visitor
Although I am not an expert on German porcelain wares, I do have quite a few reference books at my disposal, so I can tell you the maker of your box with pleasure. The pottery mark sounds like the backstamp of Porcelain Moschendorf Factory, Bavaria, Germany.
They were in business from c.1904-1957, but production had been in serious decline since the 1920's and was finally interrupted in 1937 when the factory closed down and was bought by Otto Reinecke and his brother (source of information: However, it took a while for the company to get up and running again as the Allies presumed Reinecke was a member of the SS as they built a prison camp on his premises. So your circa 1942 sounds a couple of years too late for that 1937 date, although their stock could well have still been hanging around in the shops, of course.
Where did you get the info that this box dates from 1942? Was it a wartime story? If so, I would love to hear it.
Just to give you an idea of value, at the time of writing a hand painted powder box by Moschendorf might be worth in excess of around $70 USD.
How did I find this out? I used my
China Replacement page, which can give you a 'feel' for the value of an item.
There you will get instructions on how to price compare your Moschendorf box and how to search thoroughly to find 'hidden' items on ebay.
Hope this information is helpful.
Best regards,
Peter (admin)
p.s. The following page is a 'must see' if you are researching fine china - for value and identification:-
Researching the identity and value of antique and vintage fine china.
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