Crown over 'A' pottery mark Query

by Debs
(Devon, England)

Crown over 'A' Pottery Mark Query

Crown over 'A' Pottery Mark Query

Crown over 'A' Pottery Mark Query:- When clearing out my mother-in-law's house (she moved into a residential home) I found a figurine of a young peasant girl feeding a goose. It stands about 6" high. It has a pottery mark on the base of a dark blue crown with the letter 'A'.

My mother-in-law has given me the figurine and I would like to know more about the potter's mark?

Can you please help?

Thank you



Reply from Peter (admin) below - just scroll down


antique china values

Reply by Peter (admin)

To:- Crown over 'A' Pottery Mark Query

Hi Debs

This Crown over 'A' pottery mark is not an instantly recognisable one from a well known high quality maker. It has the 'Naples' type crown typical of German makers paying 'homage' to Capodimonte, but normally these marks have an 'N' or an 'S' under, not an 'A'.

It's hard to say what type of maker it is without a photo of the item, but my guess would be a small German manufacturer or possibly even Far east Importer.

Perhaps you could upload a photo of the figurine for us - here's a shortcut to the submission form for the pottery marks public forum.

Note to all visitors: it's always best to send in photos of both the pottery mark AND the item to stand a chance of getting a good answer on these pages.

Sorry I can't be of more help at this time. If anyone has the answer to this pottery mark query, please leave a comment below.

Best regards,

Peter (admin)

p.s. The following page is a 'must see' if you are researching fine china - for value and identification:-

Researching the identity and value of antique and vintage fine china.

Please post comments below which you think might be helpful……

Comments for Crown over 'A' pottery mark Query

Click here to add your own comments

Have this same marking A Crown
by: Sarah White

I Have 2 piano babies with this mark on them - I'm still trying to work out who's mark it is! So, if you ever got an answer, I'd love to know!!!

marking A Crown

Peter (admin) says:-


This is one of the longest outstanding unsolved mystery pottery mark on this website. We have even sent the mark to the expert mark researchers, with no joy. Anyone with information on this marking A beneath Crown, please shout and earn a gold star and brownie points galore from all of us!!


A under crown
by: Anonymous

i actually have a few figurines myself with that marking on and it seems that no one online knows where its from.

the extra thing mine have on them is that it has foreign written underneath.

Crown over A
by: Beth

Just another individual who encountered this mark. I do have a photo of the figurine: a blonde female wearing a long dress with petticoats and holding a hat with red ribbon on it. This figurine was found with a second figure that looks quite similar, except for color of dress. My thought is that's it's a Japanese mark.

crown over letterA
by: brian

we have a pottery pig with same mark
can not find anything about it

by: Tracy

My dad has a White bull quite an ugly thing but he likes it and he was wondering where it's from I can't find anything out about it

by: Anonymous


Stumped too!
by: Anonymous

I have a family of otters figurine with this marking underneath and your page is the only one that mentions it!

A mark over crown
by: Anonymous

I have a bullfinch sat on a branch with the same markings.

Crorn with A underneath
by: Jane

I have been given a lady in a pink dress with blue petticoat underneath holding an umberella with the crown and A underneath.I know that it is at least 80 years old but thats all!
Doesnt look to me like its worth much as its not perfect, but would like to know some history on the maker!

I'm another one
by: Jen

I also have a pig with this mark on and cant find information on it. Please let me know if anything comes to light!
Jen x

Blue Crown with A mark Stamp
by: Karina Deade

I have a Panda with the same Mark! has any more info been discovered as I would love to know x

Crown over A
by: Anonymous

my friend has the same marking's, only payed 50p for it, dont know any info abouyt it :/, any help ?

A with a Crown


by: Lyndsay

I have a little "Birthday Girl Figurine" which has the exact same mark, a blue A with a crown above. She also has a gold label around her neck which reads "Hand Made Porcelain Alfro London" and "Foreign". Neither the label or the figurine look old... Is that enough to get me a brownie point or a gold star? Although I'd rather have a chocolate brownie and forget about the gold star altogether.

Crown over 'A' pottery mark QUERY SOLVED! - Alfro
by: Peter (admin)


The Chocolate brownies are on me! That's why I love this website - people like you solving impossible mysteries no one else online has every solved! So the marks stands for Alfro London. I suspect the inclusion of the word "FOREIGN" means Alfro was perhaps an importer/wholesaler rather than a maker - which explains why this mark is in none of the books. Obviously supplying the UK market in this instance. If there are instances of these pieces being found abroad, then it is quite clear they were bought in the UK as souvenirs.

This is the only page online (possibly anywhere) which has the solution to this pottery mark mystery. Therefore, if you use this website as your source of information, please give us accreditation. Thanks.

Peter (admin)

nelson like figuirine
by: karin

we too have a admiral in a red tunic with white trousers with a sash over tunic and a sword to the side and a black nelson like hat, with the crown over a A = any ideas?


The Forum Help Elf says:

This 'crown over A' pottery mark is attributed to "Alfro London" - an importer of wares into the UK, as discussed in the last two comments.

by: Anonymous


by: Sue, Southampton

I have just acquired a very sweet china pierrot boy, holding a small black horn/bugle in one hand, with other hand on hip. This one has a GOLD crown over A backstamp. No 'foreign' mark though. Do you think this is also imported by Alfro? It looks quite vintage. I thought it would be German or Japanese - but absence of 'foreign' mark makes me wonder.


Reply by Peter (admin)

Yes, I believe this a Alfro - probably made in Japan in the 1950's (possibly the GDR maybe). The 'foreign' was at one time a legal requirement, but is no longer as it is regarded as a 'restrictive practice' which inhibits free trade. People got round this legality by the loop-hole of putting on a sticker which was then conveniently removed (probably by the retailer).

Crown over A
by: Jakki

Thank you
I have a beautiful robin with this mark
I wondered who had made it

Thanks again



Reply by Peter (admin)

This is commissioned by Alfro (an importer to the UK and possibly elsewhere), and likely made in post-war Japan (see submissions above).

crown with a mark
by: shirl

thanks for your help i have a piano baby with these marks nice to know what they mean thanks

Thank you
by: Linda

I would like to say A huge Thank you. I have a black and white Spaniel dog with this marking, I have had for 10 years, and could not identify the maker. Well done mystery solved, you have made my day :)I have now bookmarked this site.

Crown over capital A.
by: Stella

I'd like to report a plate I purchased today with the same mark. As it looks like everybody is talking about figurines I thought I'd share the different nature of my item. ;)
I'll have to check this Alfro pottery!

by: Anonymous

I have a small basket of fruit with a similar mark. The crown is not the same style. Also no foreign mark. But there is a number marking of 22 / 342. Should I submit a separate query with a picture?


Peter (admin) says:-

I think this is likely the same importer. Reasons for no foreign mark is this stopped being a necessity for more modern imports. Also foreign was often placed on a sticky label which came off.

King Henry VIII & Six Wives Figurines
by: Anonymous

Hi, I have a complete set of King Henry viii & his six wives with this mark on the blue crown with 'A', does anyone know if they have a collectors value please?

you can email me at: if you can help me.


boy and goose
by: jane j

i also have a figure from my mother's collection with this mark. Your site was the second I had looked at to try to identify the mark and you solved it for me. Briliant!

by: Eric

I have one as well. How do I value them?

My item number is 394b

Crown over "A" Mark
by: Keith


I was researching a little Pink Pig that I have which has a Crown over "A" Mark. So I was delighted to find the "Solution" to the mystery on your Site.

However, I bought another piece of pottery more recently which throws some doubt on the "Alfro" name.

The new piece is of a Robin feeding her Chick. But the Base has a Full Stamp which in addition to the Crown over A mark, also has "Alfretto Porcelain Collector Series Foreign" within some Scrolls. Whilst this confirms the Foreign Import suggestion, the Distributor's name seems to be "Alfretto".

I hope this helps.



Peter (admin) says:-

Hi Keith

Many thanks for this great information.

Seems to me, Alfro is just a shortened derivative of "Alfretto". Just a tweaking of the brand for some reason. Same importing company based in London wholesaling mass-produced china trinkets, same mark.

Peter (admin)

by: morag

Hi All

I have a lady wearing full length dress with the A under crown.

Mine also has the gold sticker with Alfretto porcelain on it. I just assumed that alfretto was a maker now I am not at all sure.



Peter (admin) comment:-

Hi Morag

Alfretto (aka. Alfro) not the maker as such, just the importer/distributor. Goods sourced in Far East and other exporting countries making mass-produced lines.

Crown over A
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much..... I've been trying to find out about this mark for ages xxxxx

alfro mark
by: lesley

i have two little baby boys one lying on his back and the other one sitting up. thanks for letting me know the background to these!!

Lady with bonnet and long crinoline dres
by: Derek

Only site with crown over A can you help with this figure.

Crown over A doggy :)
by: Anonymous

I have a dog with the crown and A mark in silver, he is sitting and looks like a lab x spaniel !! Got passed him down to me at least 10 years ago and was thinking of selling him at a Carboot or something, should I now be considering keeping him?


Comment by Peter (admin)

I wouldn't think these have much of a value yet - they are too young and too mass produced to have anything much more than sentimental, decorative or kitsch value (not any real collectable or quality value at all).

Peter (admin)

A above a Crown
by: Ockrent

Just back from a jumble sale with a figure of a pied wagtail with the same A above a crown mark in blue on the base. This figure also has a paper label (gold with black print) bearing the same A above a crown mark and the words "Hand Made Porcelain" Alfo London" and "Foreign". So I'm able to confirm the identification already made.

The piece has a matt glaze and the body is very hard. It seems to me like a cheaper, cruder version of Goebel bird figurines that I have come across, produced for the less well-heeled. It's attractive enough, though, and at 20 pence I'm happy to own it!

by: Anonymous

mine is a horse and jockey, whilst not wishing to offend i must admit the jockey has a definite oriental appearance.also mine has AA as opposed to a single A over a crown

after looking this up in my antique book....
by: Anonymous

after looking this mark up in my antique book i saw that it says this

"Paris (Rue Thiroux). In the undeglaze blue".

These suggests perhaps that the item's were imported from france

the antique book I got this information from is dated 1971.
so I am assuming most of these pieces will date before then

Rue Thiroux mark and the capital 'A' initial with crown
by: Peter (admin)

I really appreciate the last poster's comments as it brought up something I was not previously aware of - that of a really important 18th century maker using a capital 'A' letter with a crown - that of Andre-Marie Leboeuf's works on the rue Thiroux, Paris.

However, the letter 'A' mark we are referring to on this thread is NOT to do with this maker - we are talking about a mid to late 20th century mass-produced importer of trinkets, rather than the priceless and faultless Parisian work of Leboeuf in the 1770's.

He established a hard paste porcelain factory to rival Sevres in Paris in the rue Thiroux in the 1770's. He was good, and popular so he fell foul of the monopoly authorities until saved by Queen Marie Antoinette, who said he could use her 'A' initial. His work is exquisite and valuable. Alfro is not.

Just keeping us on track!

All comments always most appreciated - especially when based on painstaking research.



Photos of the capital 'A' mark of Leboeuf's rue Thiroux porcelain
by: Peter (admin)

 Leboeuf's rue thiroux 'A' marks

Pig with crown and A mark
by: Sandy

My great aunt gave me this pink porcelain pig and I have also been trying to find out about it, many thanks for all the info

alfretto porcelain
by: Anonymous

A with a crown over it (as in the original photo at the top of the page) is 'Alfretto porcelain' make, or sometimes called "Alfro".

Edited by Peter admin.....

If a crown in the style of the pictures two posts up it is by Leboeuf. However, as these are priceless 18th century items mostly in museums and private collections. The A crown mark we are talking about are mass-produced trinkets imported from the Far East in the 1960's and 70's

piano babies
by: sandra

I have bee given by my mother in law 2 piano babies a little boy and girl both laying on their backs and both have a capital A, with a crown over the top.i was told they are over 50year old, would thate right ?

a different pig..almost
by: florence

In doing research before finding this site, I found
a pig sitting the opposite of mine..mine sits on his right hip-the other on Ebay sits on his left hip . Ebay wants 22$ for it. Thanks for your info

by: Anonymous

I have a butterfly ornament with this mark that i will be selling on ebay (im an ebay trader) , this page has been very helpful and good reading i will advertise the ornament as most likely alfretto , i will also add a link to this page, i did come across this mark before but the other item also had alfretto on it

by: kris

inherited a pig with this mark, still has the label tied round neck. pig is about 7" and is sitting. no idea of age though.

Any photos would be great!
by: Peter (admin)

Hi Kris

Is it possible for you to take some pics of your pig, and the label?

If you send them to me I will upload it to your comment:-

Send to....

Much appreciated

Peter (admin)

Crown over 'A' pottery mark -Two geese
by: CJ

I have an ornament which comprises two geese (white with yellow beaks and feet). The ornament has a matt finish and is quite charming. I must have inherited it or been given it as a gift because I know I didn't purchase it. I had no idea what the pottery mark was but thanks to your website I do now! Thanks.

by: Dean

I always see it linked to "Alfretto"

I have some napoleonic porcelain soldiers with this mark on and on searching eBay and google it seems to be Alfretto.

Girl figurine/crown over A
by: Kim

Peter, Just emailed you pics of my figurine made or distributed by Alfro in case you want to upload them for comparison! Hope it helps! Thanks, Kim


sad clown

I have just paid 50p in a car boot sale and now own a sad faced clown with a ball at his feet, it has a gold label with A under a black crown and says foreign, I fell in love he looks so sad with his little pink hat he is cute. Can anyone give me any info please.

re query on blue crown over A
by: margaret m

I too have a figurine with identical markings to your picture. it is of a baby boy, lying on his back with feet in the air and is very well hand painted.

Crown over A
by: Tom

I just picked up a pair of figurines of a man and woman in flo blue with Gold highlights.The elderly couple I purchased them from believed there parents brought them back from Italy close to 50 years ago. The crown over A is very different from the ones shown in this thread.I would like to add a photo of the mark and figures.

Send me pics please
by: Peter (admin)


Please send me the pics and I will upload. PLEASE MARK FOR THIS THREAD OTHERWISE I'LL BE WONDERING WHAT THEY ARE FOR (we have 1000 different threads)

Send me pics please
by: Peter (admin)


Please send me the pics and I will upload. PLEASE MARK FOR THIS THREAD OTHERWISE I'LL BE WONDERING WHAT THEY ARE FOR (we have 1000 different threads)

by: Anonymous

I have a dog with a crown & double AA and the word Bavaria under it does anyone know how old it would be.Thanks

Crown over 'A' pottery mark
by: Pam

I have two figures with this blue mark - a boy and a girl with their hands clasped in prayer.

On the base of one of them is a foil sticker "Made in Taiwan"; so I don't think these figures are very valuable.

Crown over `A` porcelain mark
by: John Buxton.

I have a fine quality coffee can in hard paste porcelain with a panel of hand-painted flowers and good gilding. The mark is a faint crown over A in red, similar to the outer two Paris marks shown - and distinctly different to the mark shown at the top of the page.

by: Anonymous

I have a set of 3 pigs with a blue crown and an A stamp. How much are they worth.

A under a Crown
by: DEE

I have just found 2 figurines, a boy with duck and girl with duck. They both have the A under a crown but the also have a stuck on label saying
The crown is a basic one with little dots at the top of the peaks.

I hope this helps anyone, and also I hope this will help me to find out how old they are, not to old looking at a sticky label.

Many Thanks for any info. Dee

P.S. have found a whole box of things, a few miniature plates, and mini miniature plates, plus small vases and a dressing table set.

fantail crown over A
by: liz

I have a purple and gold tea cup and saucer set, French Victorian with a couple courting…

The symbol on the back is in gold, and looks like peacock feathers over the letter A.

It doesn't look like anything like an alfretto mark.

Any ideas? I can't find it anywhere.


Crown above letter A - plate
by: Sian

Yesterday I bought a plate with vaguely Chinese or Japanese floral design and an elaborate cut-out rim. The manufacturer's mark looks slightly Germanic too. 99p from the charity shop. Quite pretty!

Crown over A
by: Singinhinny

I have just sold for £1.50 a pretty biscuit porcelain bird figure with THIS CROWNED A!!
So happy to have found the answer, and that it wasn't a priceless antique. Thank you

by: Kathleen

I have just bought three babies with the marks on they are beautiful not bothered how much they are worth they are priceless to me

by: Diane

I just Googled this as I have the same mark on an ornament with a guy playing a fiddle, and a dog is sat next to him. Hope it helps.

Shepherd boy and girl NEW
by: Nan Lyon

I have a pair of figurines with black crown over A.Boy and girl both holding a lamb with one lying at each of their feet.I have had them for over 30 years.

Me too NEW
by: Kim

I have a pair off small brown birds, possibly wrens, with the blue crown and A mark. I was hoping to find somewhere to purchase a replacement as one of them had an unfortunate meeting with my husband so it’s quite badly chipped. But I suspect I’ll just have to keep on searching at boot fairs.

Crown over markings NEW
by: Brian Worley

I have a item that seems to have a crown over A with a number. The name Bruno is slightly engraved on the back with the same marking

Crown over letter A
by: Dire

Hi, I too have 2 pieces with a crown over the letter A mark and I cannot seem to find any info or link to the artist... they are a boy and a girl with swans

its a simple looking tiara like crown... does anyone know who that is?

by: John Y


AA + Crown Mark Dark Blue NEW
by: Sue

I also have a lovely Alsatian dog, marked with two Blue AA + Crown over the top, It does have a mid century look about it
I cant see how to upload pics??

Wren pottery with a capital A
by: Anonymous

Bought today in the Netherlands a wren pottery markred with that blue crown over a capital A.
Found only on this site information that links to it!!

Blue A with crown above NEW

Hi I just thought I’d add my recent purchase from a charity shop of a small Chinese looking white China trinket box/ jewellery box to the list of items by this makers mark , my box is rectangle shape , about the size to hold a pack of playing cards. And is covered in decorative Chinese chrysanthemums and two singing birds with decorative scrolls of yellow and gold border on lid and around each side , end panels are green lattice pattern ,As most of you have figurines I thought I’d share my item . Thanks for solving my search .

Blue A with crown above NEW

Hi I just thought I’d add my recent purchase from a charity shop of a small Chinese looking white China trinket box/ jewellery box to the list of items by this makers mark , my box is rectangle shape , about the size to hold a pack of playing cards. And is covered in decorative Chinese chrysanthemums and two singing birds with decorative scrolls of yellow and gold border on lid and around each side , end panels are green lattice pattern ,As most of you have figurines I thought I’d share my item . Thanks for solving my search .

It’s a Taiwanese brand
by: Anonymous

Taiwan used to be the biggest OEM country in 1970. I’ve seen the relevant information from the Taiwan Bowl & Dish museum.

by: Anonymous

I have 2 figurines stamped with 2 crowns one with A under in blue other is black crown with letter s under .any ideas please

Taiwan NEW
by: Anonymous

I can confirm that I have found this mark together with a sticker saying 'made in Taiwan, Republic of China' - so these are mass produced imports post 1945 ... good to solve the mystery.

Unusual blue crown of capitol A NEW
by: Anthony

This whole "crown over capitol A" thing is a real pain in my "A"...I have the sweetest figurine of a young peasant boy holding a clay pot with a tiny mouse peeking over the rim. The boy has a rag tied from his chin up over the top of his head as if he had a tooth ache. It doesn't look like a mass produced Japanese piece to me, with gold-gilt waves cresting around a circular base. Underneath is an imperial style crown resting on a capitol letter A in a castellar-style font. What do you think? I thought it looks more like the Lebouf de Rue Thiroux but those are orange/red:

Large figurines NEW
by: Pearl Shisler

We inherited a set of 2 figurines with the mark of AA
under a 5-point crown with 6441 & 6441 BS (base).
We’re told that a family member
brought these back after a trip to Europe, possibly German.
Have not been able to ID the mark.

Alfretto Porcelain NEW
by: David

Hi everyone. I also arrived here looking for a little extra help with this Crown over A pottery mark. My piece is marked Alfretto Porcelain Collectors Series Foreign. It also has a gold label stating 'Made in Korea'.

crown over AA NEW
by: Frances

Stylized crown above the initials 'AA', often incorrectly claimed to be a German mark.

I found this comment on another website.

Crown.AA NEW
by: Frances

Followed by Unknown, Asia.

another crown over an A.. NEW
by: Anonymous

ok, it's a slightly different crown, but worth noting anyway - Italian ceramics - Santarelli for instance

I have a similar figurine NEW
by: Jeanne

I was searching for an answer to this, and have a figurine (also acquired in England) with the crown and an A, as described by the original poster. I can take a picture, as I see the OP hasn’t done that with hers. Where do I post then picture though? Do I need to make a new post?

alfro ornaments NEW
by: Anonymous

is there any value in these ornaments with these marks.

Crown over A pottery mark
by: Keith Loustan-Lalanne

I have come across two birds
a chaffinch and a wren, both bearing the crown over A mark both accompanied
by a stuck on label, written in
These labels, with the help of
Google translate say
" Made in Taiwan, a province of
China". Independence was declared in
1949 so they must pre date 1949.
Not sure how to upload photos

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