Mystery Mark--Cup(?) in circle with J(?). S. A. A.
by Rose A.
My mother just bought this lovely china plate at a local thrift store. I have been searching the internet fruitlessly for hours trying to figure out the mark. The picture of the mark isn't very clear (apologies, camera phone), but it is what looks to me like a cup or chalice in a circle. There are two letters on the cup's rim, the first could be an ornate J or P, the second is an S. On either side of the cup's stem is the letter A. Underneath the circle is "Bavaria" and there is a "Made in Germany" mark as well, right next to the marker's mark.
I will be ever so grateful to any light that can be shed upon this subject.
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p.s. The following page is a 'must see' if you are researching fine china - for value and identification:-
Researching the identity and value of antique and vintage fine china.
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