Porcelain Mark - Incised W G K C or W K G C or W K C G Crossed Lines
by The Book Hunter
Porcelain Mark - Incised W G K C or W K G C or W K C G Crossed Lines
Porcelain Mark - Incised W G K C or W K G C or W K C G Crossed Lines
Porcelain Mark - Incised W G K C or W K G C or W K C G Crossed Lines
Porcelain Mark - Incised W G K C or W K G C or W K C G Crossed Lines:- Please help me identify this porcelain mark below this dual horse figurine...pictures attached.
Here ARE some preliminary deductionS by the Forum Help Elf:-
No one here knows this one (yet!), but here are are some ideas from me.......
In between diagonal crossed lines there are four letters. The letters could be in any order, although presumably the 'W' is the first letter being at the top and then it's a case of trying to work out whether the letters are going in a clockwise direction or anti-clockwise, or the K C are together and the G the last letter in the name.
It seems likely if German or English the 'C' could stand for 'Co' and if German, the 'G' could be for 'Germany'. If so, the words are going clockwise and we are looking for a German company 'WK'.
Any ideas please post.
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Many thanks for submitting, and hope you are finding the site useful. Thanks to Help Elf for his initial contribution.
Let's hope a smart person who knows takes the time and trouble to post on this mystery one.
Best regards
Peter (Admin)
p.s. The following page is a 'must see' if you are researching fine china - for value and identification:-
Researching the identity and value of antique and vintage fine china.
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