Pottery Mark - Crown over "P" Query
by Karen
(Charlotte, NC)
Pottery Mark - Crown over
Pottery Mark - Crown over "P" Query:- Can you tell me what copy is associated with the attached mark. It is a royal blue P with lines over it resembling a crown.
Thank you.
reply by Peter (admin) below - just scroll down...HOW I MADE MONEY FROM BITS & BOBS OF OLD CHINA
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Reply by Peter (admin)
To:- Pottery Mark - Crown over "P" Query
Hi Karen
This letter "P" pottery mark is not one familiar to me. It seems too vague, too clean and too generic. I would have to look at photos of the wares to even begin to look into this mark.
This mark has been identified as a 'fake mark' emanating from producers in the Far East. An older version of the mark above is said to come from Chinese mass production. The 'crisp & clean' one above I have seen with a 'made in Sri Lanka' sticky label still on it. Beware produce made with a sticky label. The 'sticky' label has obsolescence built into it and is meant to 'fall off' to leave just the phoney mark.
Wares of this nature are not regarded as high quality items which keep their value, they are cheaper and more massed produced.
***End Update***
Hope this helps, sorry you don't appear to have an heirloom piece.
Best regards,
Peter (admin)
p.s. The following page is a 'must see' if you are researching fine china - for value and identification:-
Researching the identity and value of antique and vintage fine china.
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