Pottery Mark Mystery - k or R or possibly two c's on a horse and foal figurine
by laura chapman
Pottery Mark Mystery - k or R or possibly two c's on a horse and foal figurine
Pottery Mark Mystery - k or R or possibly two c's on a horse and foal figurine
Pottery Mark Mystery - k or R or possibly two c's on a horse and foal figurine
Pottery Mark Mystery - k or R or possibly two c's on a horse and foal figurine:- i have recently acquired a lovely porcelain statue of a bay horse and foal and cant identify the mark on the bottom which look like a k on its side with a mark above it or possibly 2 c's adjoining each other in a mirror image with a mark on the left of it, its colour is green. also looks like a 'z' incised into the bottom.
please help.
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Many, many thanks to an anonymous contributor below who identified this mark as that of Katzhutte of Germany from the famous Thuringia region.
I mention this company elsewhere on this site (just put the word "Katzhutte" into the search box - top right of every page) where they use yet another very quirky and individual pottery mark - in the shape of a house with an 'H' inside the upper level of the 'house' and a strange unknown squiggle on the lower floor inside.
The 'H' stands for Hertwig & Co which is their original name, and, as it turns out, the squiggle is meant to represent a cat! Now you might not be able to see it, but in this 'K' pottery mark there is also a cat hidden - it makes the left down-stroke of the capital letter 'K'. The shape above the K is a very simplified graphic representing the roof of a house.
The K mark, according to
www.porcelainmarksandmore.com, dates from 1958 when the company was in East Germany (GDR) and behind the iron curtain. After the fall of the Berlin Wall in the 1990's the company didn't survive.
Thanks to 'anonymous' for solving this one and to Roger for solving the original Hertwig 'house' mark query mystery!!
p.s. The following page is a 'must see' if you are researching fine china - for value and identification:-
Researching the identity and value of antique and vintage fine china.
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