Pottery Mark Query - raised mark
by Jean
(Independence KY)
tall green vase in middle
Some other examples of Julius Dressler Marks sent in by another visitor
Julius Dressler Mark Close Up (looks like a tower or lighthouse)
JBD raised pottery mark on this two handled vase
Raised mark looks like all green vase or lighthouse or tower or a flower and stem:- This item was purchased at an estate auction in Northern Kentucky this past year. I know nothing about it. It has AUSTRIA marked on it and has this sort of a flower on a stem kind of image that is raised. There is also a mark of the numbers 7 18 imprinted on it. It is the tall green vase in the photo.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.....
This mark has been identified as that of Julius Dressler. Other site visitors have sent in additional photos which make the mark much easier to see in detail. On close inspection it looks like a building - a lighthouse almost, but this would be incongruous for a non-maritime region like Bohemia (Austria).
You can see clearly the right way up from the close up photo above - there appears to be windows and other indications of a tower, but why the irregular shape at the bottom?
Anyone know, please post....
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Additional information by Peter (admin)
Julius Dressler was part of the Bohemian Arts & Crafts Art Nouveau movement, and as such their art vases can reach 4 figure sums at auction. Other
of their vases can fetch less than $100 USD at auction, so how an expert would pick the bones out of what is valuable and what isn't is quite a skill. Scroll down for more info and prices...
Dressler established the unit in 1888 in Bela or Biela Bohemia. This town used to be in Austria, but changed to Czechoslovakia after the wars of the 20th Century.
The factory was producing majolica (fancy hand painted earthenware) and also porcelains.
They continued until the middle of the 20th Century. The changes to borders and empires after the WW2 seemed to put pay to this factory.
I am not sufficiently well versed in Bohemian Art Nouveau to know if Dressler can correctly be described as Amphora (or “Teplitz”), but I know that some examples of his Art Nouveau is described as such by sellers and can go for up to $1700 USD (this is the most I have ever seen at auction - see below for some examples)

There was a seeming change of name in the 1920's to EPIAG or OEPIAG, apparently - according to
However, Ginni goes onto explain that this was an association of makers formed by the new Czechoslovakian government.
Hope this helps
Peter (admin)
p.s. The following page is a 'must see' if you are researching fine china - for value and identification:-
Researching the identity and value of antique and vintage fine china.
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